Phlegx Systems
Phlegx Systems
It is working now for rail 3.0.3 or not? Bye
I have the same problem! :sob:
Same problem: no archive tables created! Ruby 1.9.2, Rails3.0.3 Whit "acts_as_archive" in the model class all works fine!
Hi! Please see my pull request and if you like it merge it to the master branch. Thx
I think @jvalenciag means multiple scopes like [devise]( do.
Having the same issue. Have you been able to sove it @buddy? If yes, how? thank you very much
We have the same problem! It affects contact address book sharing. File sharing and calendar sharing works like expected. Version: 20.0.8.
Hello @rkrzewski! I checked the docker deamon flags, but I do not use namespace remapping. The `uid` of elasticsearch within the container is `1000` There seems to be no user...
**For Rails with Vue developer** **@rails/webpacker**: 5.0.1 Add the following line in file `config/webpack/environment.js`: ```js /* Fix a bug for file inclusion like */ environment.loaders.get('file').use.find(item => item.loader === 'file-loader').options.esModule =...
You can also add this to your Vue config: ```js /* vue.config.js */ module.exports = { chainWebpack: (config) => { config.module .rule('vue') .use('vue-loader') .tap((options) => { const transformAssetUrls = options.transformAssetUrls...