Peter Hicks
Peter Hicks
Hey @Xavier-Cliquennois We need to get paging in before we merge this in. I am going to make a PR for that now. I did it a few weeks ago,...
I think we are going to need to filter with our backend instead of limiting these results to what is on the frontend. We can provide assistance with query modifications...
Hey @Xavier-Cliquennois We just got around to merging the filtering PR, so that should unblock you here.
Is this still an issue in the new UI?
We've redone the lineage graph, so this is no longer as relevant... Feel free to reopen something for hover states on the new graph.
Hey @agaro1121, Our interface is undergoing a bit of a renaissance right now and we want to add as much as we can. Is this something you could contribute? The...
Hmm, I don't quite have a setup like this, is this something somebody could possibly contribute and add to a webpack? I'd be happy to review and merge it.
@wslulciuc and I spent a bit of time looking into this one today. The issue is actually related to the job_name that you have since it only has numbers it...