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Marquez UI fails to render page for dataset when version API returns graph without Job
An anonymous function in Datasetinfo.tsx raises a TypeError if the jobVersion object (inside JOB object, within the lastestRun object) does not exist. The full application becomes blank and can only get it to render by manually putting in base view URL. I am encountering this with the versions 0.31.0 and 0.32.0 docker image.
Before The dataset node is clicked:
After (with error in console):
Return from Postman GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/lineage/?nodeId=dataset:file:%2Ftmp%2Fdelta-table%2Fbronze
{ "graph": [ { "id": "dataset:file:/tmp/delta-table/bronze", "type": "DATASET", "data": { "type": "DATASET", "id": { "namespace": "file", "name": "/tmp/delta-table/bronze" }, "type": "DB_TABLE", "name": "/tmp/delta-table/bronze", "physicalName": "/tmp/delta-table/bronze", "createdAt": "2023-04-17T12:59:25.998Z", "updatedAt": "2023-04-17T13:00:07.077Z", "namespace": "file", "sourceName": "file", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "description": null }, { "name": "date", "type": "timestamp", "tags": [], "description": null }, { "name": "location", "type": "string", "tags": [], "description": null }, { "name": "page", "type": "string", "tags": [], "description": null }, { "name": "price", "type": "integer", "tags": [], "description": null } ], "tags": [], "lastModifiedAt": null, "description": null, "lastLifecycleState": "CREATE" }, "inEdges": [], "outEdges": [] } ] }
Note: The data for this namespace, comes from the OpenLineage SparkListener, pretty much when saving small dataframes to delta lake tables.
Thanks for opening your first issue in the Marquez project! Please be sure to follow the issue template!
Is this still an issue in the new UI?
This has gone away in newer versions.