Nikolas Klauser
Nikolas Klauser
This is actually a libc++ bug. We removed the base class in LLVM14, which caused this bug. I'll look into how to fix the bug in a nice way. Unfortunately...
I could not reproduce the problem. I used "123456789012345678901234567890". What version do you use? I used 0.3.0. Is it some combination of characters? It would be great if you could...
Did you use the same SSID? If not it may be that as well.
@OfekShilon something like ``` void func() __attribute__((enable_if(true, ""))) {} ``` should demonstrate it
> Hi Mark, thanks for your reply! > > Strictly speaking, yes, that is true: the number of comparisons may violate the requirement of there being at most log(last -...
> OK, that's fair. How about I just stop exposing one-sided lower bound through std::lower_bound, and just use it for std::set_intersection, where all complexity guarantees are preserved, would that be...
I don't think you're wrong that this improves performance, but being able to point to hard data is always great. With algorithms it's almost always really easy to write micro...
This is a duplicate of #13130.
Sorry, I had something else to do and then forgot about it. I've got to fix the issue now. I hope we can get it into LLVM15, since it's...
IMO it would be great to have a drop-down next to "Add new", "Add tool" etc. Having `stdlib: {libstdc++, libc++, MSVC STL}` would make it pretty obvious which standard library...