Philipp Thun

Results 24 issues of Philipp Thun

There are already several PRs (see below [1]) that change `dataset.any?` to `!dataset.empty?` or otherwise mention the difference between these two statements. Whereas the first one fetches all data from...


Thanks for contributing to cloud_controller_ng. To speed up the process of reviewing your pull request please provide us with: * A short explanation of the proposed change: * An explanation...


Thanks for contributing to cloud_controller_ng. To speed up the process of reviewing your pull request please provide us with: * A short explanation of the proposed change: * An explanation...


The timeout used for the Logcache GRPC client was hard-coded to 250 seconds. With this change the timeout can be (optionally) configured to a different value. Running "cf push" results...


# Legend | Icon | Meaning | | :-: | :-: | | :white_check_mark: | fixed/wanted behaviour | | :x: | not fixed but change of behaviour needed | |...


## Symptom We have a monitor for `cf push`; that means we push a simple application once every 5 minutes. This monitor detected a "downtime" while we were updating our...


wip... * A short explanation of the proposed change: * An explanation of the use cases your change solves * Links to any other associated PRs * [ ] I...


This change tackles inconsistent error handling in background jobs. After adding a test to the `enqueuer_spec.rb` (AppDelete raises SubResourceError), it could be seen that the `DeleteAppErrorTranslatorJob` only effects the `cf_api_error`...


The `LoggingContextJob` does not use the correct `ErrorHasher` based on the endpoint (i.e. v2 vs v3) of the originating request. This change makes the api version available to the `LoggingContextJob`...

Improve service plans / service offerings presenters and decorators. The following diff shows how queries changed for the `/v3/service_plans` endpoint utilizing different decorators: ```diff ====================================================================================================================================================================== === cf curl "/v3/service_plans" ===...
