Philipp Rudiger

Results 647 comments of Philipp Rudiger

>Note that I would only expect dpi to work for the matplotlib backend, as Bokeh options are specified in pixels directly, not inches. True, although it would be nice if...

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Should probably be raised either in HoloViews or Panel, but will need investigating first.

Hi @CMRicketts, I see you're volunteering on lots of issues which is super exciting for us! So you and we both can figure out how to get the most out...

Bokeh does not support legend entries for images (last I checked neither does matplotlib).

For now I'd suggest double the dpi with: ``%output dpi=144``

Doesn't make sense for the others, but still seems sensible. Indeed I think if you're on the matplotlib backend I think we already support `hv.output(dpi=144)` which should achieve this. Would...

Suspect it's the `rasterize` call that is regridding the rgb to cover the full extents of the plot. This should afaik not happen because by default it should not regrid...

HoloViews does not support three levels of nesting for Bars it used to in the very early days but the implementation back then was not maintainable. That said we should...

That's easily configured by overriding the `padding` parameter on the plotting class with a value of 0.