Philipp Rudiger

Results 647 comments of Philipp Rudiger

>That said, aren't some of the render_levels special That's correct, I think the ``overlay`` level lets you draw outside the bounds.

I doubt that a little bit, the Text element is at the glyph level already unless I'm completely mistaken.

Doesn't work for me: ```python hv.Curve(range(10)) * hv.Text(0, 11, 'A') ```

If we're actually worried about the semantics we could also just add a ``clip_bounds`` option (or similar) rather than providing full control over the render levels. I do think we...

I'm not actually aware of any elements in holoviews itself that are not at the glyph level at this point.

Appears what I said is not quite true, I noticed Bars are generally on top of other elements. That should be fixed.

No your intuition is right here, something is off about the ``Area`` zorder in this example. This should however already be resolved by [this]( recent fix.

>Presumably it's inherited from Bokeh, so I can't tell (a) how to change it by default and (b) how to detect what else might inherit a non-glyph default. Two options,...

>I still don't know how to address (b). You could write a little script to crawl the bokeh API and make a list of the default level settings for different...

Thanks for the detailed list, this will be helpful. The Plotly backend was always more of a prototype and used to have a big disclaimer saying as much. We probably...