just reproed by Caleb
I just saw a new manifestation of this error while running in a public library, with a high-repro rate: Uncaught undefined DCPError: no transports defined DCPError@webpack://dcp/./src/common/dcp-error.js?:22:5Connection530$$connectTransport@webpack://dcp/./src/protocol/connection.js?:828:22 async*Connection530$$connectInternal@webpack://dcp/./src/protocol/connection.js?:760:16 async*Connection530$$connect@webpack://dcp/./src/protocol/connection.js?:674:10 Connection530$$send@webpack://dcp/./src/protocol/connection.js?:1189:15 Connection530$$request@webpack://dcp/./src/protocol/connection.js?:1233:15...
Possible Hint from @wesgarland: I think all we need to do is to switch to a connection pool
We also missed this spec here:
@Xmader I'm not sure he could repro even before your fix :-)
and that was a month ago or so, no repro in 100s of runs since then
We just saw a corrupted a string in the dcp HTTP header: See and
This is incorrect: "Unfortunately, we can no longer create dicts from JS, so option processing does not work" We clearly can. We are just missing compatibility with PyDict_GetItemString as described...
We will post a feature request to the relevant Python forum for this one
let's keep it open until post has been done and as a follow-up on the post