Philipp Kiszka
Philipp Kiszka
This is a known issue. The timetracker currently can only track worked time within a single day. Which is also why only a "starting date" input is provided. We may...
muss ich mir ueber die implikationen noch gedanken machen. dieses ganze sortierungsissue muesste mal konsistent ueberdacht werden *vermut -> 2.0
werde ich die tage mergen. werde allerdings die sortierreihenfolge ändern.
no it was meant so you can upload several files with the same name without them overwriting each other. just like windows explorer does ... FileName.ext ... FileName(1).ext ...etc maybe...
Collabtive is currently being developed on PHP 7.1.6 All dependencies, likewise, should work with PHP 7 The error message would indicate there may be some issue with your DB connection
merge ich nach dem 1.2 release.
ich wollte das noch dieses jahr schaffen. is bissl zweifelhaft. muss auch noch bissl was coden ;) ich denke anfang januar.
es wird uebrigens noch 1.2 geben ... danach 2.0 ... da bin ich dann auch wieder offener fuer groessere aenderungen :) mein persoenlicher fokus fuer 2.0 werden milestones und messages...
So this looks quite good in all. Just one thing: I'd like to see a compelling use case for this. What does this add that PDF and CSV export do...
Sorry i find this wholly unconvincing. Yes it's true there are some problems with the comments field because it lacks automatic line break. Now, i don't see how the solution...