Philip Neustrom
Philip Neustrom
I'm seeing this, too. We've got some CSS that's got url()'s that refer to assets that are, say, served via an HttpRedirect in django-land and staticfiles barfs on them. I...
Totally agree with you about errors. This isn't necessarily an error, though. An exception is raised, but it's not always the case that there's anything wrong with the CSS or...
I was noticing this problem as well, and I can't think of a way to test this change without breaking the function apart and making the testing dependent on the...
It looks like this is due to the 'resource' argument being renamed 'namespace'. Changing it to 'namespace' makes the keyerror go away, but the client just sits at "Connecting..." forever....
`rsync` doesn't appear to allow for easy include/exclude of paths, but rather just acts on substrings found anywhere in a given path. My suggestion would be: - For each excluded...
@tgcondor I wasn't able to get django-socketio working with HEAD @ gevent-socketio last time I tried. If you could figure it out that'd be great!
@johanneswilm There was a bunch of recent work to get the underlying library, gevent-socketio, working with the latest socketio and generally refactored. These changes haven't yet been pulled into django-socketio.
@johanneswilm RE: socketio versus straight websockets, check out the socketio faq: Why not just call it `WebSocket` if the actual WebSocket is not present and mimick its API? Socket.IO does...
Some work looks like it's been done here: wuzuf essentially throws out the current decorator-based stuff and uses django-socketio as a thin wrapper over the gevent-socketio Namespace stuff. While...
@shlomozippel I agree that the current decorator approach should be kept nice and simple.