Philip Makedonski
Philip Makedonski
I struggled with this for a while as well. As hinted elsewhere, you likely need to add the entitlements (Reminders) the reason to the Info.plist, e.g.: ``` NSRemindersUsageDescription Export event...
Same / similar problem: 504 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. CloudFront attempted to establish a connection with the origin, but either the attempt failed or the origin closed...
I did try to change it, also adding the suffix, e.g., but it does not work. It seems that only the predefined groups in the `MavenCentralMapping` class are supported...
Thanks for the hints! I did have another look, but I think the problem runs deeper - the UML2 artefacts on the Apache repository / MavenCentral are fairly outdated (e.g....
I don't know if is still a concern, but I had some difficulties with some peculiar texts as well. I think I pinpointed it to this part ``` let score:...