Panagiotis Cheilaris
Panagiotis Cheilaris
This is an updated version of the package with support for downloading all matches in `get_symbology` and not only the best match. This is accomplished with the help of a...
Thanks for this nice package. The package was installing but not working in a machine with R version 3.4.4 (it was complaining that it could not find function `new`). With...
In older versions of R, like 3.6.3, there is an error when reading an empty date or date-time column with skip = 1. ``` vroom::vroom(I('date\n'), col_names = 'date', col_types =...
In R version 3.6.3, reading data with a date or date-time column and a header when also skipping the first line throws an error. ``` $ Rscript -e "vroom::vroom(I('date\n'), col_names...
Hi all, and thank you for this nice API. There is an issue with the following historical request for ticker 'RBS LN Equity' and field LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENT_DATE: Rblpapi::blpConnect() result
Is there a way to specify a timeout for a remoter::batch request, e.g., in case the remote server is non-existent or is not running a remoter server? For example, the...
Hi, keybase team and contributors and thank you for the nice code. I have been trying to implement a bot with the following property: it receives commands from the same...
Thank you keybase team and contributors for the nice code! I am wondering if the following test is passing for you. I have tried it in a Mac and a...