
Results 49 comments of Adam

I've been working alongside @TravisCarden (and others) on php-tuf/composer-integration, which is a plugin whose goal is to act as a bridge between the php-tuf/php-tuf library, and Composer 2. I have...

Thank you for reviewing, @Seldaek!! All that feedback is extremely helpful and I _hugely_ appreciate it. I also agree with basically all of it. Some responses to your points: >...

This looks like a nice win. I think we're going to need a test of it, though. That's going to be fairly involved, since we'll likely have to write a...

This looks pretty damn great! Since we've decided that Lightning Media will be the thing to deprecate and remove this dependency, let's close this PR and reconstitute it against Lightning...

+1 for removing the function, but to compensate for that, let's keep the comment explaining that hook_install() should be implemented in order to do various tasks. But let's also mention...

Thanks for this pull request! I'll be very honest: although I'd like @balsama's input here, I'm quite hesitant to merge this. The reason is that the Package.php script in Lightning...

Nice little fix. @amcgowanca, if you will add a comment explaining what you're fixing -- just a sentence or two, for posterity -- I think this is OK to merge.

Although, one thing does give me pause here: we're extending Entity Browser's widget, which means that we should be able to rely on their render array having a certain structure,...

2.1.6 to 3.1.4 is a _very_ large jump. Generally, the larger the jump, the more difficult the update path becomes. I would suggest doing your update in smaller chunks. Try...

I'm not sure Lightning has ever provided a "scheduled_update" _entity type_. It provides scheduled update functionality, but as far as I know, nothing about it provides an entity type to...