Hello @Nicolasjmh789 The Hummingbot Foundation just started the governance process for the community to approve or reject Pull Requests through **Pull Request Proposals**. For more information about how PRP votes...
Since this was your first contribution to the Repo i had to manually start the tests. Check back later to see if all of them pass.
@Nicolasjmh789 reach one of our team members on our discord on the #dev-connectors channel for help.
Hello @29Takuya The Hummingbot Foundation just started the governance process for the community to approve or reject Pull Requests through **Pull Request Proposals**. For more information about how PRP votes...
Since this was your first PR, i hade to manually start the tests. Check back later to see if all of them passed.
Hello all. Is there plans to implement his on a near future? Our project is using ethers and at first we considered building this function on our code, but if...
Thanks @piiq for the swift response. I actually noticed i haven't joined the openbb discord yet. Thanks for the reminder. About the v3 container being retired, can you point me...