Paul Hawxby

Results 44 comments of Paul Hawxby

@szmarczak we've been having some issues with timeouts of tests lately and we're wondering if this is now potentially part of the cause. Have you made any progress on figuring...

I think this highlights why this functionality should've been part of core from the beginning.

I can help out. Considering the amount of people that use this module it would be good if there were a few people able to assist.

@valaxy is that an offer to help out too?

``` const got = require('got'); const { promisify } = require('util'); const sizeOf = promisify(require('image-size')); const resp = await got('', { encoding: null }); const dimensions = await sizeOf(resp.body); //...

Simple example although not exactly the same as the issue described is probably related. ``` interface ParsedQs { [key: string]: undefined | string | string[] | ParsedQs | ParsedQs[]; }...

@captain-yossarian are you sure TS playground is working right. It's not throwing any errors [on this]( either and I would expect it to. ``` import { DeepReadonly } from 'utility-types'...

Adding my voice to @yougotwill, the rich text editor is great but missing an awful lot of basic functionality. I know table support is finally coming via #239 but there's...

@azubanych @yougotwill @th1nkgr33n I decided to flex our account manager and got this update a few minutes ago. > Regarding the superscript / subscript PR, our product team has reviewed...