Peter Hausamann

Results 25 comments of Peter Hausamann

On both Windows and BashOnUbuntuOnWindows (where I don't get the error) I get: >>> android_key_7_3_29 RsaKey(n=141956196257934770187925561804359820971448272350983018436093173897855484510782207920697285059648243152878542520514658971720228524276304322321325896163977435852395272134149378260200371457183474602754725451457370420041505749329659663863538423736961928495802209949126722610439862310060378247113201580053877385209, e=65537) The reason for the bug seems do be that in `Cryptodome.Math._Numbers_gmp.Integer.inplace_pow`, line 394,...

Hi @charlesincharge, that should be pretty easy to implement by adding a new parameter to `Selector`, something like `mode="lt"` (less than) in your case. As a workaround, you could add...

Hi @aaronspring, if I understand correctly you want to train an independent classifier for each (X, Y) coordinate? That is, each grid cell is trained on `x.sizes["T"]` samples? I don't...

In any case, this kind of feedback is super valuable because it shows what kinds of workflows should be demonstrated in the documentation. I think it would be valuable to...

Thanks for your contribution @aspitarl ! Using pandas to create the Dataset is fine, pandas is a dependency for xarray anyway. I believe it might make more sense to return...

Hi @mmann1123, thanks for bringing this up. The documentation is definitely missing examples for geospatial data as I myself use xarray for very different kinds of data, so this is...

I would like to include this as an example in the docs pretty much verbatim. However, the `geowombats` package seems to be quite heavy on dependencies and ideally I'd want...

I think I know what the issue is: you are creating a `Target` instance with a `LabelEncoder` transformer and directly assigning it to a non-2d array. With estimators wrapped by...

When you define the target like this: ``` y = Target( coord="land_use", transform_func=LabelBinarizer().fit_transform, dim="sample", ) ``` it works. This tells the `Target` to reduce multi-dimensional coordinates to the `sample` dimension,...

Thanks @kmsquire , a PR would be very much appreciated.