same problem (
@derrickpelletier Actually I found solution :) stringify coordinates array before sending them from parsed *.geojson. That helped me.
@derrickpelletier Code that almost worked for me. At least it's accept my coordinates array. Look strange why we need stringify and then parse it again, but it work )) `var...
loading half-model sucessfull fix error at txt2img. But when I try do the same at img2img I got new error: `RuntimeError: Input type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.HalfTensor) should be...
> I gave up on this ever being fixed. I just use ngrok. Works great. Haven't had a problem once. Hi there, can you provide a link for some guide...
@Chiaki Спасибо за добавление дампа переписки)) сделать бэкап и забыть о вк как никогда актуально :)