Harsh Patil
Harsh Patil
Copy pasted the snippet from Readme.md ``` Intent() ..setAction(Action.ACTION_PICK) ..setData(Uri.parse('content://contacts')) ..setType("vnd.android.cursor.dir/phone_v2") ..startActivityForResult().then((data) => print(data), onError: (e) => print(e)); ```
@MarcusWichelmann i had the same issue https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/issues/32, spent countless hours fiddling with vlc params but nothing worked. Finally i gave up on this plugin and used the **amazon's exoplayer port**...
@MarcusWichelmann yes i used the exoplayer natively. For me flutter + native exoplayer works for now and i dont have to maintain separate code for mobile and tv devices.
@MarcusWichelmann nope, no embedding. I simply launch the PlayerActivity from the FlutterActivity with all the params necessary to play the video from the flutter side. Once the playback is done,...
``` controller.setTime(controller.position.inMilliseconds + 10000); // +10s ```
I have tried the steps and no luck. Issue persists.