
Results 5 comments of phantom-8

Also interested. Did anyone try the 720p hack on the 1080p version to see if it works?

Just compiled the IntelBluetoothFirmware from latest source date Dec 8, 2021 (aaf4247). Same problem as the official v2.0.1 release.

I'm not sure if I understand completely. Are the following procedures correct? 1) Boot into macOS, disable both IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext & BlueToolFixup.kext 2) Shutdown the PC, remove power cord and wait...

I've performed the above testing. The Bluetooth Info in system report is the same as previous. As for dmesg log, there is no entry for IntelFirmware as expected. If I...

Just upgraded to macOS 13.4.1. Problem still persisted. Not sure what's cause, but it worked when I rebooted to macOS Monterey.