Dušan Klinec

Results 65 comments of Dušan Klinec

I will send it to you next week

I've created a hotfix in my fork: https://github.com/ph4r05/arek It can be installed via Pods: ```cocoapods pod 'arek', :git => 'https://github.com/ph4r05/arek', :tag => '4.0.3' ```

Pinging @sethforprivacy that we have all code ready in PRs to support HF15

Just pinging that Trezor PRs were merged - https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/pull/2232 - https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/pull/2219

@kayabaNerve thats a good point, let me check

@kayabaNerve you were right, I've incorporated the #8277 change. Trezor firmware needs the change as well, I will create the PR now.

No problem @kayabaNerve! I am glad we caught it before release! :)

hello @moneromooo-monero, if you pls find a minute, I would be grateful for PR review for upcoming HF upgrade, thanks a lot! :)

@selsta - ad testnet - I never test it on testnet. Trezor-tests are passing, they generate a synthetic blockchain, sign several transactions and daemon validates them with full node logic....

There is definitely no view tags support added in Trezor. I will check it out this week and figure out required changes.