Peter Grimsehl
Peter Grimsehl
Hi, when exporting field values, we cannot not differentiate between value types, especially between strings and numbers. In the .texportv file we can either define something like `$FIELD_ID$ = $FIELD_VALUE$`...
Hi, right now the support of list/map custom types is somewhat incomplete: 1. The key type for maps is unrestricted, so we can use maps and lists as a key....
Hi, right now there is only a 32-bit redistributable of Tome. While this is not a general problem, we run into trouble when trying to import Excel Spreadsheets on systems...
…aining references added: restore references to removed record in map and list types containing references (undo) Please check the implemented handling of removed key references in map types
Importing data should be handled by the UndoController, either as atomic operation or as a sequence of AddRecordCommand / UpdateRecord commands. Right now, importing data cannot be undone and the...
Current state: - For each new export template a new set of the required files must be manually created, opened, edited and changed - The project file must be changed...