Results 7 issues of Patrick GRANDJEAN

Extracting annotations like `MyAnnotation[T]` results in `HNil` instead of `MyAnnotation[_]`.

I need to cross compile an SBT multi-project against different Spark and Hadoop versions, and have developed a possible solution that works with `sbt-release`. Borrowing the vocab introduced by `sbt-cross`...

I am trying to use frameless in Databricks. Thanks to advice on gitter, I made some code modifications as described in [dsabanin/frameless@1ce8f0b](, based on frameless 0.8.0. However, running some tests...


Frameless introduced the `TypedDataset` on top of Apache Spark's Dataset API. The aim of this ticket is to create a `TypedDeltaTable` on top of's `DeltaTable` API. This would allow...

The CSD examples provided seem quite old. Specially for Spark. I know Spark is automatically integrated to the Cloudera distribution now. But it would be interesting to see a more...

I'm developing a custom CSD. Although I have added "gateway" to service.sdl, I do not see a "Deploy Client Configuration" command in the "Action" menu. Could you please help?