Paul Gross
Paul Gross
Maybe some kind of hint that the user can choose to toggle if they are stuck?
What do you think about an option to force consumers of a builder to explicitly set optional fields. For example: ``` java @FreeBuilder public interface Person { Optional getFavoriteColor(); }...
If you have a subversion repository using the new svn externals (such as relative URLs), cc.rb says error when it tries to check the working copy to see if it's...
Right now, the top level config element is called devs. We should rename it to brainiac or something app specific.
Using Firefox 13.0. Search does not show any results.
The commit to enable custom repositories ( seems to have caused this project to use no repositories by default. Can we return to using default repositories if no repositories are...
I get `WARNING: Unable to resolve version` on a handful of maven jars. Here's an example: ``` % bazel run //generate_workspace -- --artifact=jaxen:jaxen:1.1.6 INFO: Found 1 target... Target //generate_workspace:generate_workspace up-to-date:...
I'm not sure if this is the same bug as #47 with a different manifestation: ```bash % bazel run //generate_workspace -- --output_dir /tmp --artifact=ru.vyarus:dropwizard-guicey:jar:4.0.1 INFO: Found 1 target... Target //generate_workspace:generate_workspace...