In retrospect, I realized that the missing sub-captions are unrelated to ``! They're just a manifestation of the same `` bug reported here: #2657 When I replaced the sub-caption tags...
Oh, and there isn't any space between the end of the and the start of the following , which doesn't look great. 
Chiming in to say that Michigan Publishing would also appreciate this feature.
Bumping this up as we've had yet another journal requesting this functionality. Not super high-priority, but just wanted to note that it seems to be a popular idea.
Bumping this up as I've just realized the same styling error occurs when a `` appears in the middle of a `` with plain text on either side. (i.e., the...
Bumping this up again to note that the same styling error occurs when `` appears in the middle of a `` as well. 
Bumping this up once again to note that the same styling error also occurs when `` appears in the middle of a `` with text on either side.
Bumping this up as I just ran into this issue again.
Bumping up once again.
Still not a _high_ priority by any means, but I wanted to note that we just encountered another article with a few foreign-language keywords that were intended to be displayed...