Pietro F. Maggi

Results 21 comments of Pietro F. Maggi

For Periodic task the best option is [WorkManager](https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/workmanager/). It's still in Alpha and you can expect some API changes, but the library is already well tested.

Rebase on master plus, a commit to add the main Glide artifact to kapt classpath. This is required having disabled compile avoidance for kapt in master: ``` kapt.include.compile.classpath=false ```

I cannot reproduce this on master. Can you provide some additional information (AGP version, host OS, branch)? What result do you get if you manually run the git command from...

On which OS are you seeing this? I cannot reproduce it on Linux with Android Studio v4.0-canary05, Android Gradle Plugin v4.0.0-alpha05, and Gradle 6.1-milestone1.

Thanks for the info. Can you trying it again with Canary 5 (that's the version I've used). if you cannot install a new version of Android Studio, you can just...

> Should the project not be able to be build, independent of the versions used? Yes, absolutely. But I cannot reproduce this problem on my Linux machine. :man_shrugging: I'll see...

Android Studio v3.6 is still in Beta and can be downloaded from the [preview page](https://developer.android.com/studio/preview). Also, you can build directly from the command line, independently of which Android Studio version...

The Activity is recreated when the user switch between light and dark mode. That's why you see the black screen. Are you suggesting a different behaviour?

Can you add some details? Is this still relevant?

Can you add some details? Is this still relevant?