Petros Samaras

Results 5 issues of Petros Samaras

Hi @yochananmarqos . I have improved my [script]( and would like to update it in AUR. I created a [PKGBUILD]( for the latest tag version. If you think it is...

With deep respect to your excellent work, I would like to ask you to consider some small proposed changes, if you agree and there is no other reason that may...

It is proposed (and some distros apply this) for btrfs systems, to not use subvolid=5 for root, using subvolumes for all mounted "mounts" instead. This means that they compile grub's...


This issue sometimes happens and sometimes not and that is the disturbing thing. At first I thought it had to do with the Greek language, as is set in system,...


I am experimenting on synbak, in order to use it as my main backup utility. My preferred strategy is to separate my data in sets, so I created a template...