Petr Sloup
Petr Sloup > Projected bounds: > -20026376.39 -20048966.10 > 20026376.39 20048966.10 It should be `6378137 * PI`: `-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34`
Currently, the "projected bounds" are calculated by transforming the WGS84 bounds corners (two points): This is actually incorrect for some transformations. For example: Transforming the corners omits large...
**maplibre-gl-js version**: v3.6.2 **browser**: Firefox 121.0 (tested on Windows) ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Enable "Strict" "Enhanced Tracking Protection" in Firefox at `about:preferences#privacy` 2. Display map with `raster-dem` as...