Hi, @andreak! This project is no longer maintained by me. I don't have a time for this, coz I've switched from backend development to mobile development. I can give repository...
sounds great, I'll deal with it on weekends
Hi! Unfortunately, I know nothing about EXDATE. Can you give me a link with more info about EXDATE? Thanks!
@nsb I think you can run following script to check it: ``` sql SELECT * FROM unnest( get_occurrences('FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20200101T045102Z;BYDAY=SA;BYHOUR=10;BYMINUTE=51;BYSECOND=2;EXDATE=20191214T105102Z'::rrule, '2019-12-07 10:51:02+00'::timestamp with time zone) ); ``` expected result is: 2019-12-07 10:51:02+00...
sorry. you should change "BYSECOND=2,EXDATE" to "BYSECOND=2;EXDATE"
I see you found the issue: Let's create pull request and specify minimum required version of libical in readme
> If this all makes sense to you, what do you think of adding variants of get_occurrences() that accept tzid as a parameter? Yeah. Sounds great. Waiting for PR ;)
@ealeksandrov :+1: