Petr Jurásek
Petr Jurásek
@hairyhenderson I think getting exact version is only missing, as getting `latest` version of v2 secret can be done even now: ``` gomplate --version gomplate version 3.7.0 vault --version Vault...
@hairyhenderson - same result ``` VAULT_TOKEN="root-token" VAULT_ADDR="http://localhost:8200" gomplate --datasource 'vault=vault://?version=1' -i '{{ (datasource "vault" "secret/data/foo/bar/baz").data.hello }}' 06:08:13 FTL error="template: :1:4: executing \"\" at : error calling datasource: Couldn't read datasource...
@hairyhenderson any hints where to start digging in the code? I guess the `PUT` method is part of gomplate(?) logic, rather than vault library itself.
Also found this might be helpful to determine version of kv
thanks for reporting
fixed in petrjurasek/artifactory-prometheus-exporter:0.0.8