First drone - which I am trying to repair now - is genuine Professional with gimbal where control board is replaced by Advanced version (Pro control board died, bad NAND)....
I tried Advanced control board on second drone (Advanced converted to Professional) and there is same problem - no picture, no camera control, no sd card recognised. As camera upgrade...
Look like Adv control board nr 1. have a problem, as nr 2, started to flash Advanced firmware to Advanced body (with Pro firmware installed). Is there way to diagnose...
Is serial interface similar to this guide ?
Now I propably get it - U0_T and U0_R (3.3V UART of Ambarella chip; allows access to Ambarella system console)? About these resistors near USB and Ambarella and DaVinci -...
Is in necessary to assemble whole gimbal to flash firmware? Or it look like Pro control board does not like Advanced firmware. [00000821][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished failed (step =...
With serial port output it look like it does endless circle without visible error - boot, flash, reboot, boot, flash, reboot, boot, flash, reboot..... ``` --------------------------------------------- Cortex Boot-Up Success Cortex...
Tried second Adv board - there is nothing on serial output from Ambarella, Measured all Voltage test pads - correct Voltage is here.
Yes, there is a bin on the SD card. Without firmware, it does this: ``` --------------------------------------------- Cortex Boot-Up Success Cortex freq: 504000000 ARM freq: 17600000 DDR freq: 396000000 Core freq:...
Look like there is a problem with the firmware in control board, as it try to flash every version on the SD card, not knowing which version is installed: ```...