Petia Yanchulova Merica-Jones
Petia Yanchulova Merica-Jones
pkg_resources seems to be used in three places. But it "is deprecated in favor of importlib.resources, importlib.metadata and their backports (importlib_resources, importlib_metadata)":
This issue is related to the discussion in #755, [PR#757](, #759, and #778. The newest version of the [BEAST library files]( available either via manual download (Oct 2022) or via...
If one wants to plot the completeness for two or fewer parameters, when setting up the subplots [this line]( causes an error since the returned grid spec may not have...
To build on the handy - []( - it would be good to allow for greater flexibility in the input spectral types to which BEAST fits are compared. Spectral classification...
[CHANGES.rst]( can be updated with the BEAST v2.0 release info.
The G24_SMCAvg extinction curve model may benefit from a smoother interpolation between data points. This becomes apparent when comparing it with, say, the G23 (Rv=3.1) model where I would expect...