Peter Velosy
Peter Velosy
I would like to use react-flagkit without introducing a dependency to an external CDN. Therefore, I would like it to work with locally provided / packaged flag images. Flag image...
When any audio track finishes playing, the track counter and the slider resets but the Pause button does not change back to a Play button. Tested under Next.js 14.2.4 and...
Maybe I am overseeing something, but I haven't found any onItemSelected() or similar callback on TreeView. How is it possible to react to the selection event? Thank you!
When you scroll down on one page and change page using the controls on the bottom, the scroll state is not reset. This can cause the second page to look...
There should be a way to make page size dynamic (so that it fills however much space it is given). Unfortunately, the first parameter of `rememberPaginatedDataTableState` does not seem to...
Fixes #17