Peter Paulis

Results 23 issues of Peter Paulis

Even in case of an error, the XCDYouTubeVideo should always be returned, as it contains the **thumbnail** and **title**, which can be used by the UI to display

When pushing a NavigationView controller, with a view controller that has a scrollview and setting [self.animator setContentScrollView:detailViewController.scrollview]; disables the scroll view scrolling any ideas?

Is there an option to record multiple segments at the same time? Each segment has it's own start time and end time

Doesn't support number of lines as the UILabel

``` // p { NSMutableParagraphStyle * ps = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init]; [ps setLineHeightMultiple:1.1]; [ps setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail]; NSDictionary * a = @{ NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:self.newsTitleLabel.font.pointSize], NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: ps }; [options setAttributes:a...

Modified when the week starts with monday and added the possibility to display the calendar in inversed order (scrolling down for older dates)

`private func createNewTagView(_ title: String) -> TagView` should be an open class, so a concrete subclass can easy provide their custom Views currently you can subclass `open func addTagView(_ tagView:...

this fixed a bug where the component didn't update proper on tint color change ``` - (void)setTintColor:(UIColor *)tintColor { if (![_tintColor isEqual:tintColor]) { _tintColor = tintColor; [self setupAnimation]; // CGColorRef...


We got a report with this error "Data couldn't be read because they are in incorrect format" (translated from SK 'Dáta sa nepodarilo načítať, pretože nemajú správny formát.' Code: 6...

## Goals ## Expected Results When all objects in array are equal isEqual should return YES ## Actual Results ``` (lldb) p [sself.profile.demandCategories isEqual:tmpProfile.demandCategories] (BOOL) $1 = NO (lldb) po...
