I have terabytes of raw image files to dedup. I let it run on the whole disk the other day and had to cancel after many hours. From what I...
I open a TIFF in Gimp and export as PNG. There is no alpha channel. I open a directory of TIFF files in Bimp and convert to PNG. The PNG...
The Bimp convert to PNG options list is smaller than the equivalent Gimp PNG export list. There is no option to delete/keep Exif or delete/keep thumbnail. In my current case,...
Why is the following line in locales/core.php an eval? eval('$GLOBALS[\'translate\']=array(' . ob_get_contents() . "\n'0');");
Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in lib/phpgacl/gacl.class.php on line 456 Replace: $row =& $rs->FetchRow(); with: $row = $rs->FetchRow();
Notice: Undefined variable: m in locales/core.php on line 39 I added the following line up the top. if (!isset($m)) { $m = ''; }
Another thing going away and with warnings in PHP 7.2. In at line 236, replace the following code. function ADODB_Cache_File() { global $ADODB_INCLUDED_CSV; if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_CSV)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/'); } With something...
Declaration of CEvent::loadFull($event_id) should be compatible with w2p_Core_BaseObject::loadFull
Downloaded today. Fixed MySQL default date issue. The following warning appears in the log. PHP 7.0.22. `PHP Warning: Declaration of CEvent::loadFull($event_id) should be compatible with w2p_Core_BaseObject::loadFull($notUsed, $object_id) in public_html/modules/events/events.class.php on...