Peter Michaux
Peter Michaux
It is difficult to read the source code as the indenting is inconsistent. Standardizing on tabs or a fixed number of spaces would be helpful.
The JSDoc-generated pages have the generic JSDoc3 appearance. They should look like the rest of the Maria website.
Expose the grail.find and grail.findAll functions that are part of Maria. No reason to hide them.
The dependency libraries are hidden inside the IIFE that surrounds the entire build maria.js and maria-amd.js files. Since these dependency libraries are hidden, there is no need for them to...
Update version numbers in header.js add to downloads site update bower distribution repository update website with new documentation
Occasionally, views need more fine-grained notification than the coarse-grained `change` event that usually causes the view to make a complete refresh. For example, a PersonView might want to know only...
Events bubble. A set model can observe itself for bubbling destroy events. Then check if the original target is a member of the set (not bubbling from deeper in the...
There is a link to Splunk documentation in the dox-template readme. Following that link leads to a 404.