I am getting only a black screen after connecting via VNC Viewer. I have installed lightdm and icewm. The location of my lightdm.conf is: /etc/init/lightdm.conf Here are its contents: #...
make fails with "unrecognized command-line option ?-msse4.1?" on arm Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu 23
I followed your instructions (I believe) for building under Linux on a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu 23. I checked out v0.1.3 of LeanHRPT. On running "make", got the following sequence...
The immediate purpose of this proposed change is to allow users of the Librivox catalog to see what keywords have been applied to an audiobook, to see how many audiobooks...
redrun has suggested to me that before creating any signifcant pull request, it would be a good idea if I were to put what I have in mind before administrators...
At the moment, the key terms associated with each audiobook in the collection are invisible to the public, and it is impossible for a third party application to implement any...
The effect of the changes proposed here would be: - to display a list of keywords associated with a project on that project's catalog page, together with statistics indicating to...
It should not be possible, even accidentally or by the result of a programming error, to add an entry to table "keywords" that duplicates a value already present. You have...
The effect of this change is to add an "Edit this page" link at the bottom of the "Links" section of a project's Catalog page, in the left sidebar. The...
This pull request proposes: (a) Fixing a bug in the catalog's Advanced Search function that currently results in the generation of an incorrect list of results if a user enters...