Results 21 comments of Wenhao

> Hi, I am also experiencing some speed issue with Wifi. I tried to connect to HoloLens with usb-c but not sure how to configure the IP. Could you provide...

Thanks for the advice! As for the crash, it happens when the label shows "Capturing..." for less a second and then immediately switched to the initial state, then crashes in...

Sorry, I just got the time to test it. It works and I can see the Infrared stream in PSI Studio! Thanks for the update. There are some minor related...

Thanks for your reply. I will try it when I have time!

In Unity 2020 (and all other versions using XRSDK), replace the line with following: ```cs WorldOriginPtr = UnityEngine.XR.WindowsMR.WindowsMREnvironment.OriginSpatialCoordinateSystem; ``` PS: It won't work in Unity 2021.2 or later where OpenXR...

Could you post the content of your `Package.appxmanifest` file?

Sorry I am not able to provide extra insights. Does the imu sample scene work for you? The error seems to be complaining not able to get imu data and...

My settings are similar to yours. But the MRTK I was using is 2.6.1. All my settings should be saved in the ProjectSettings folder and MRTK version can be found...

It would be easier if you can put the error messages here or describe the problem in more details. By "it returns nothing", does it mean that it returns an...

@agroenenberg Yes, I could visualize the point cloud at >40 fps with the code I posted here so saving one frame is definitely possible. I am not familiar with saving...