Peter Friese

Results 20 issues of Peter Friese

Some related links that might be useful: * [Dismissing The Keyboard In SwiftUI 2.0 — Dabbling Badger](

It seems like the AirPlay Receiver process on macOS Monterrey uses ports 5000 (which seems to be the default for `serve`) and 7000:

This fixes #91 @mdmathias @petea - can you provide guidance on formatting / indentation? I will also look into updating the sample as part of this PR.

In one of my apps, I had to deal with a situation that called for implementing custom encoding / decoding. This PR adds tests to verify custom Codable methods work...

cla: yes
api: firestore

Just some general housekeeping on the Firestore sample: - use new Navigation API - use single app icon - improve menu structure - fix security rules It might also be...

api: firestore

I just ran into an issue that was cause by me using an outdated version of your library. As the podspec file points to tag 0.1, it will not pick...

The @RemoteConfigProperty property wrapper should use the `fallback` value when the user selects “Use in-app default” in the Firebase console.

api: remoteconfig

This PR adds support for using Swift's `AsyncSequence` to listen to changes on Firestore collections and documents. Here is how to use it: ### Listening to updates on a single...

api: firestore

1. Simple data model (title, completion state) 2. Define some mock data in an extension to the data model 3. Displaying a list of todos 1. Create a simple list,...
