Peter Foot

Results 186 comments of Peter Foot

This is possibly because the CBUUID in question is 32 bit/4 byte and the conversion logic only currently supports 2 byte short ids or the full 16 byte uuids. I've...

The library already supports Avalonia. You will need to implement your own way of requesting permissions where required as the InTheHand.Bluetooth.Permissions library is tied to Xamarin.Forms or .NET MAUI.

I think that this is because the iOS API is a bit different in that it shows devices previously connected by the app, rather than paired to the device. If...

To use the macOS implementation of this library your consuming project needs to use a mac target framework. Because of build issues we removed the maccatalyst target from the project...

I think there are a couple of issues which need addressing. The casting issue can be worked around by using the IGattCharacteristic1 throughout rather than the GattCharacteristic helper as it...

Good catch. If the _socket value is not zero we should close anyway to release resources. I've made the change and it'll be in the next release.

While it didn't used to throw an exception, InquiryLength was never supported on Android and was a no-op. You can use the newer DiscoverDevicesAsync method on .NET 6.0 and above...

This tends to occur when your project doesn't target a specific enough TFM and the .NET Standard dll is used from the NuGet package. The consuming project needs to target...

@PerKjelsvik any reason you need WinRTNetworkStream over NetworkStream?

Also the switch between using Win32 or WinRT should be for any Windows 10 target. But for .NET 7.0 it is built against 22000, there isn't a 19041 version. For...