Peter Foot

Results 186 comments of Peter Foot

BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest can automate the pairing process with a known PIN or numerical value.

What platform is this on? Window? Is Bluetooth turned on when you run this and correctly running discovery from Settings?

You can interact with a Bluetooth mesh using the Bluetooth Proxy Service and Bluetooth Provisioning Service which are GATT (Bluetooth LE) services. You'll need to refer to the Bluetooth specs...

The package InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth is the current version and supports Android

client.Connect(blueAddress, _serviceClassId);

I'm not familiar with Wear OS, but for Android in general have you added the required permissions to your appmanifest and requested the required runtime permission? Some info here -...

The big change from v3 to v4 was instead of a single .NET Framework dll the NuGet package contains runtime versions for multiple platforms. The .NET 4.x runtime dll should...

The netstandard2.0 dll contains no implementation and just allows you to program against the API with the correct platform version being dropped in at build time. I'll see if there...

Seems to be thrown inside Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothLEDevice.Dispose(). Possibly the object is being disposed more than once. Will investigate further.