
Results 4 issues of Peter

I've noticed this problem happening when two `newSuspendedTransactions` are competing on the same table from different CoroutineScopes, when `autoCommit` in the connection pool (Hikari) is set to `false`: ```

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I believe this isn't fully supported yet but attempting to use r2dbc DSL with repositories, pretty close but I believe it wants the R2dbcEntityTemplate bean named "r2dbcEntityTemplate" explicitly: ```...

type: bug

``` * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':release'. > org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: [email protected]/xx.git: invalid privatekey: [B@52771620 ``` looks like the issue might be related to: - I'm using ed25519...

`SemVer(1, 2, 3).copy(preRelease = "")` will throw an Exception.. seems a bit unreasonable? how about `if (!preRelease.isNullOrBlank()) require(preRelease.matches(Regex("""[\dA-z\-]+(?:\.[\dA-z\-]+)*"""))) { "Pre-release version is not valid" }`