Peter Bengtsson

Results 314 comments of Peter Bengtsson

Before we jump in to optimize how kumascript is run and executed, I think we should seriously consider taking this opportunity to pivot to the new "related_links" based sidebar solution...

The other thing we could do is to not necessarily jump on the `related_links` bandwagon and still just make the sidebar produce a blob of HTML. But by moving it...

@fiji-flo pointed out that perhaps the reason it's so slow is that it's so HUGE. Sure enough, the HTML blob in for example is 104KB. Yikes. Considering that 90%...

So, maybe caching deep in kumascript doesn't help. The problem might lie elsewhere. Perhaps its sheer size. I copied the rendered out HTML from one of the docs and took...

After some more measuring and experimentation, I can conclude that the reason isn't because of the KS rendering (only a small amount) but the fact that the CSS sidebars are...

> What do you think about `` tags getting direct linkified? It certainly would be nice! I've many times found that there's a specific portion of the page I'd like...

@jedie Did you resolve this for your project? I'm currently toying with the idea of removing `django-celery-transactions` and doing it the ["Celery way"]( Then, I shouldn't have to worry about...

Could it be as simple as typing into the content...: ```html Browser compatibility This page describes a feature or technology that is not yet implemented in web browsers. ``` or...

If we combine my comment above with Chris's would be that we *output* something very similar to what I suggested, but we do it from the Compat macro. (Technically, the...

I'm struggling with this too. @thecodrr Do you know of a solution to bypass this for now?