I'm having the same issue with Android 8.1 odex files. I've attached one that I've built from AOSP in case it's useful for debugging. If I find anything useful digging...
I spent quite some time trying (without success) to get this program to build in an IDE. As we all know, Java debugging with jdb is reserved for the sixth...
In case this is useful to anyone, building in the Windows Subsystem for Linux and then opening in IDEA does not work. However, building in Windows with gradlew.bat (with JDK...
After a little digging around, it seems to actually be reading a crazy-high number from the ByteStream buffer using readSmallUint(). The offset it reads indicates where next to read -...
Here's another breadcrumb: in the odex file I added to the forked repository in the last comment, the number being read is the size of the key/value store. However, the...
I believe the relevant difference is these lines from oat_file.h: // Pointer to the beginning of the ArtMethod*s in .bss section, if present, otherwise null. uint8_t* bss_methods_; An additional pointer...
I don't suppose anyone has an Android 8.0 odex file lying around? I'm new to reverse engineering file formats and a point of reference would be useful. It'll take a...
Hrm the current version of baksmali chokes on the odex file I pulled out of that image, but at a different point. I'll see if I can fix this specific...
In case it's useful: `Error occurred while loading class path files. Aborting. org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPathResolver$ResolveException: org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPathResolver$NotFoundException: Could not find classpath entry boot.oat at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPathResolver.( at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPathResolver.( at org.jf.baksmali.AnalysisArguments.loadClassPathForDexFile( at org.jf.baksmali.AnalysisArguments.loadClassPathForDexFile( at org.jf.baksmali.DisassembleCommand.getOptions(
Update: Thanks to @agorski3 for contributing! The new jar (2.2.4) behaves the same as the old one. I pulled and built it myself and now it gives a different error...