The tutorial only provides a link to a template literal syntax highlighting plugin for VS Code users. However, Sublime Text users can also implement a VueJS compatible package to get...
It it Javascript best practice to use 2 spaces for indents as enforced by most linters (eg. ESlint, StandardJS, Prettifier). Since this is a beginner tutorial, it's helpful to start...
Create one or more sample fact statements, including a schema structure, to use as a test fixture in development.
Currently our Pygate `pipenv` virtual environment for the development setup uses Python 3.7.3. However, this creates a "Runtime error: location not created nor specified" error. See
Right now the user of the grpc-client has to import and use `MessageToDict()` from `google.protobuf.json_format` to convert the protobuf message to a Python dictionary. This should be abstracted away and...
See The current sentence: "When the profile option is selected, a user can update their own user name, email, and password - see below, Change password." Should be changed...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Property information is hidden from the end user in meta tags in the document's head section. **Describe the solution you'd...