> HLint is causing problems for this, but it looks like a separate issue. > > EDIT: I created #2969, it fixes the HLint problem locally, and I haven't waited...
@JacquesCarette Could you please provide feedback on this PR and comment if anything else is needed for approval?
I propose that we create functions for each of the duplicate strings. The functions will return the string. We then place the functions in some tbd /code file, and import...
./Drasil/code/drasil-code/Language/Drasil/Code/CodeQuantityDicts.hs: This appears to be creating a dictionary, with the datatype Actor tied to "InputParameters". Not clear what implVar is.. ./Drasil/code/drasil-code/Language/Drasil/Code/Imperative/Descriptions.hs ``` --Defines descriptions generators. inputClassDesc :: GenState Description inputClassDesc...
>>>>why is it "the same string" in multiple places? Does it have to be, i.e. is it on purpose, or is it an accident? [It's probably on purpose!] Looking at...
This String can be added to the function name map from #2966
Proposing similar solution as in #2844. All such strings will be located in the same /code file.
./Drasil/code/drasil-code/Language/Drasil/Code/Imperative/Descriptions.hs: -- | Returns a description of the input constructor, checking whether each -- possible method that may be called by the constructor is defined, and -- including it in...
@smiths Thank you for the link. I have reviewed Brooks' thesis. "get_input" and related concepts were mentioned several times. As previously discussed, InputParameters was confirmed as the module/class containing input...
Following the pattern in `Choices.hs`, I was looking to begin adding the concept (with fixed name, for now) in the following code, but I have concerns with `"get_input"` as a...