Mouse drag on the legend is zooming for me chart.js": "^3.3.2" "chartjs-plugin-zoom": "^1.0.1"
Back porting to 6.0.1 re-introduces this issue
using this as a workaround ``` ``` ``` onMouseleave(){; } ```
In 7.6.5 the end slot issue remains with the following ``` Multi-line text that should ellipsis when it is too long to fit on one line. Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
The dev build fixes my issue.
Just ran into same issue in latest after upgrade from v3... Error: libs/charts/src/lib/components/line/line.component.ts:74:69 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'Chart' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Chart'. Type 'Chart'...
angular.json styles seem to keep the ordering specified so might be able to specify primeng import after the import of the file containing the @layer layer1, layer2 line which needs...
> I'm using TailwindCSS(version 3.3.3) together with PrimeNg and after upgrading from 16.3.1 to 16.5.0 our styles got rekt. Tailwindcss is configured to us preflight/CSS-reset ( p-input-text boxes, buttons and...
Not much to go on Mussarat, in chrome inspect click on the primeng layer, you should see some ordering of the layers in your app. as shown in image... primeng...
I'm using this as a work around, remove the listener on pause, add back in on resume. ``` private async init(): Promise { await this.platform.ready(); await this.setInitialValue(); this.addNetworkListener(); this.platformResumeSubscription =...