Petar Vučetin
Petar Vučetin
Event Data: Resource Id (string) Pipeline Run Id (GUID) Pipeline Name (string) Started On (date time UTC) Factory Name (string)
Event Data: Resource Id (string) Pipeline Run Id (GUID) Pipeline Name (string) Started On (date time UTC) Factory Name (string) Error Message (json)
Event Data: Pipeline Run Id (GUID) Pipeline Name (string) Started On (date time UTC) Factory Name (string) Resource Id (string)
I have the same problem with both Zero and pi 4. Monitor just stops working after about an hour. I am running monitor as service and checking with journalctl -u...
Looking at the processes they are all sleeping: ``` ╰─➤ head -11 /proc/19476/status Name: bash Umask: 0022 State: S (sleeping) Tgid: 19476 Ngid: 0 Pid: 19476 PPid: 19367 TracerPid: 0...