@Wolbaal Please see this note on how to use it:
this is not a kernel related issue that you are having. i am able to get to recovery with the power menu without issue (just tested and confirmed working; built...
flash the latest nightly (clear dalvik prior to doing so), if you are encountering an issue.
That issue in the latest repository is being worked on. Now install the latest non oc kernel from droidbasement: reboot, and you'll be good to go.
Please use the forums on and/or XDA Gtablet forums for further support. Thank you. -pershoot
The latest nightly will flash. It just errors out in the end (for kernel flash). Flash the kernel over it that i linked and reboot, and you'll be set.
*${{display_name}}*\n*Link*: ${{link}} For the above example (Note: code omitted the asterisks (for bold)): asterisk dollar sign two curly braces in display_name 2 curly braces out asterisk backslash n asterisk Link...
Please see this, regarding Portainer:
Try this: `- "\'TELEGRAM_BODY=*${{display_name}}*\n*Link*: ${{link}}\'"`
> Any suggestions? :-( Are you on the latest Portainer update?