
Results 7 comments of peperoncino

I would like to know too! #392

Figured it out after like a week... You can use :Inspect to return the highlight of a specific element under your cursor. This way you can add custom highlights using...

yeah as i said you add a vim command to your lua config `vim.cmd[[highlight elementName guifg="#FFFFFF" guibg="#FF0000" gui=underline]]` you can specify fg color, bg color, and display type like bold...

no highlight for the space in between, as far as im aware, shouldnt matter too much... use google and these commands if confused about highlights. :highlights :Inspect :InspectTree this type...

this is what it looks like for me ![image](

Thats pretty cool! Thanks. Im gonna check that out.

tbh ive never used past headings 2s... Youre probably better off using [headlines.nvim](