
Results 6 comments of Bayu

I believe you should do something like this .. we toggle checkbox state on OnChange. ` this.setState({ myState: !checked })} checked={this.state.myState} /> `

On IOS, also need to check on the Build Phases> "Bundle React Native code and images" script. Rollback to before adding sentry. On my case, IOS build (production) will crash...

@luispinho sorry, I don't remember.. may be u could use git history for comparison

I think the correct way to call is ```javascript import * as RNZendesk from "react-native-zendesk"; RNZendesk.initialize({ appId: 'abc123',, clientId: '', zendeskUrl: 'mobile_sdk_client_123456' }); ```

Do we need to use swift 5.2 in order to use the library ( zendesk supportSdk ) ? Dang, then I would need to upgrade to Catalina

try this: ``` const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins"); const css = require("@zeit/next-css"); const withBundleAnalyzer = require("@next/bundle-analyzer")({ enabled: true, }); const nextPlugins = [[css], [withBundleAnalyzer({})]]; ``` current setup: "next": "9.3.5", "next-compose-plugins": "^2.2.0",...